Melinda is the attorney who defended Rae's Cafe against the tyrannical overreach of local health boards.
She also works to secure medical/religious exemptions for our frontline Healthcare Workers facing vaccine mandates and has recently began the exhausting effort of fighting to free Families' loved ones trapped in hospitals, denying them proper medical attention.
Melinda has done a lot of her work pro bono and is in need of RESOURCES and SUPPORT to continue her vital work!
Here is their list of needs:
1. We are in need of people who have experience drafting legal documents.
2. Attorneys who can consult with legal procedures as many of these cases are a whole new ball game. Medical malpractice is a big one.
3. Web Designer
4. Help setting up a fund raiser account/process for people who need help but don't have the funds. Melinda is doing a lot of pro bono work at the moment.
5. Resources in the medical world such as doctors who are certified for critical care and able to go into hospitals when someone's loved one is not being treated properly.
If you have access to resources or connections that can help, or want to financially support her efforts, please, click the button below, fill out the contact form with a message of intent and they will contact you as soon as possible!
United We Stand!